Eve Chiapello

Born in 1965, I am currently Research Director (Directrice d’Etudes) at EHESS Paris (School for Advanced studies in Social Sciences) where I hold a chair in "sociology of the transformations of capitalism". I joined EHESS in 2013 after a long initial career at HEC School of Management (Paris). Over the years, I have produced work on research topics that are presented in the different tabs, and that have led me to move in different national and international circles and to participate in discussions in different disciplines. I am currently interested in the way in which financial actors take hold of social and environmental issues and how their tools and frameworks of analysis are diffused in public policies.
In parallel to my research work, I have been involved in the development of innovative teaching programs designed to support future managers (at HEC) and young researchers (at EHESS) who wish to participate, through research or action, in the transformation of economic practices.
EHESS – École des hautes études en sciences sociales
Centre d'Etude des Mouvements Sociaux (EHESS/CNRS- UMR 8044- INSERM U1276)
54 Boulevard Raspail 75006 PARIS, France